How To Use Servo Motors:
Servo motors have characteristics just like other types of motors that are operating speed, current, voltage, torque, resolution and pulse, control pulse and weight.
Current and Voltage:
The current and the power supply voltage are specified for each servo motor. It depends on the application that for what purpose it is going to be used. Common servo motors works with power supply voltage of 4 to 6V and has current 100mA to 2A.
Operating Speed:
It is defined as time which is required for shaft to reach till it reaches a specified position. Common servo motors have 0.05 to 0.2s seconds per 60 degree.
It is from 0,5 to 10Kg per cm.
Control Pulse:
It is a pulse which is used to position shaft. There are two important types of control pulses. One is with center position in 1 to 2 ms and other is 1.25 to 1.75.
It is precision by which shaft is positioned whenever it receives external signal. It is from 1 degree to 10 degree.
Size and weight:
It is important aspect. It has weight from 15 to 200g.
Advantages of Servo Motors:
If load is placed on motor, current is increased by the driver and this current to motor coil attempts to rotate motor. No out of step condition.
Possibility of high speed operation is possible.
Disadvantages of Servo motors:
It is when stop, its rotor continues to move back and forth, so that is is not suitable.
Applications of Servo Motors:
It is used in machine tools, material handling, assembly lines, robotics, and CNC machinery or automated manufacturing.
It is used in airplanes.
It is used to control the position and movement of elevators.
It is used in robots just because of their smooth switching on and off and the accurate positioning.
They are widely used in aerospace to maintain hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic systems.
It is used in radio controlled toys.
Most electronic devices like DVDs etc use this to replay or extend disc trays.
It is used in automobiles to maintain speed of vehicles.
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